Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another Gehaekelte Topflappen. Sorry for the poor quality photo, but this was the best I could get at night on a dark background before I sent it out to the recipient. I made this one to send to a swapper for September. I thought I would really like the colors on this one, but now that it is finished, I'm just sort of "meh" about it. I now feel I should have added more color, and have decided I'm not all that fond of the ombre's anymore. Oh well, live and learn, I guess. At least someone can use it. LOL! I am feeling the same way about my Sugar n Cream yarn. I don't like it anymore! However, I will still use it to make myself dishcloths because it is perfect for that!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ripple Potholder

Ripple Potholder by Claudia Lowman. This has been my latest potholder project. I really enjoyed the pattern, and as with the other ones I have made lately, there are endless color variations you can use. Claudia likes to make additional embellishments for the middle of hers, but I am not going to add anything to this one. Claudia hosted a "crochet-along" for her pattern on Ravelry recently and had a good response.

My current audio book is "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" by Alan Bradley. Very entertaining so far!