"Frankie" Potholder
by Cindy Cave
1 skein "Apple" green cotton yarn
1 skein "black" cotton yarn
scraps red cotton yarn
scraps white cotton yarn
scraps of grey or grey brown cotton yarn
1 "G" crochet hook
1 yarn needle
With Apple green, ch 31
Row 1: sc in the 2nd chain from hook, sc across remaining chains, ch 1, turn.
Row 2: sc across each stitch, ch 1, turn (30)
Row 3 to 24: repeat row 2 (30).
Change to black:
Row 25: sc 4, do dc front post into stitch below, sc 4, 1 dcfp, continue this sequence across row, ch 1 turn. (Front posts don't really have to be spaced this exact, I was trying to make it look like hair)
Row 26 to 30: repeat row 2. On row 30, instead of ch 1, turn, just finish off. (30)
Features: (I will try to recall as closely as possible what I did, but I was just kind of freeforming as I went)
With black, chain 23.
Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook, dc each ch across, turn.
Attach white yarn, crochet 9 sc, ch 1 turn, leaving rest of black unworked.
Row 2: do sc decrease in first 2 stitches, sc 5, sc decrease in last 2 stitches, ch 1, turn (7).
Row 3 on: continue to do sc decrease on each end and sc in each stitch in between, until you can get it rounded down to look like an eye.
To make other white of eye, holding your work with front facing you, black stitches to the bottom and one finished white of eye on the right side of your work, skip two black stitches and attach white yarn, crochet 9 sc to end of black row. Work back and forth as above to finish out white of eye.
To add nose, holding your work front facing you, and basically upside down with black stitches on bottom, attach green in beteen eyes,
Row 1: sc 2, ch 1, turn,
Row 2: sc 2 in each stitch, ch 1, turn
Row 3: sc 2 in each end stitch, sc 1 in each stitch in between.
Continue this way until you have as many rows for a nose as you wish. As you did with the eyes, use sc decreases on the last couple of rows to round out the nose as you wish it to look.
With black, sc all around features to outline. My features were kind of "puckering", but it worked out great when I stitched them down to the "face". With a yarn needle and black, embroider center of eye onto each white section at bottom of each "eye white". I also embroidered red "crackle" lines on the eye white to make it look like bloodshot eyes. Sorry this part of the pattern isn't more exactly detailed, but I didn't write any of this down when I was making it. To attach the "features" piece to the "face", center top of "eyebrows" on about row 23, about 4 stitches in on each side of "face". With yarn needle and black, stich "features" to "face". With yarn needle and black, in between about row 6 to 8 under the "nose" and about 10 stitches in from the edge, embroider a "zig-zag" mouth, again just messing with it till you have it how you want it to look. For "stitches" in Frankie's face, I just used red and embroidered random lines, then made a "t"at intervals, so it would resemble crude stitches.
2nd side of Potholder (back of head):
With Apple Green, ch 31, turn.
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across remaining chains, ch 1, turn.
Row 2: sc each stitch across, ch 1, turn (30)
Row 3 to 6: repeat row 2.
Change to black:
Row 7: sc 4, do dc front post into stitch below, sc 4, 1 dcfp, continue this sequence across row, ch 1, turn. (dcfp don't have to be exact, I was trying to make it resemble hair).
Row 8 to 30: repeat row 2. On row 30, instead of ch 1, turn, just finish off.(30)
On "neck" under hair, with yarn needle and red, I "freeform" emroidered another line, crossed with "t's" to look like a crude stitch.
With right sides facing out, and "face" facing you, through both thicknesses on the edge, attach black to row 25, (right side of face) sc through both thicknesses on remaining edge of potholder to corner (about 5 or 6 sc), sc in corner, ch 10, sc in same corner, sc across top to next corner, sc 2 times in corner, sc about 6 to "edge" of hair, change colors to green, continue to sc through both thicknesses to about the bottom of the nose, ch 1 turn, sc about 7 across, 2 sc in next stitch, ch 1, turn, sc to last 2, sc decrease in last 2. (Again, I think this is how I did it, I was trying to make it look like a regular ear) at this point you should be back where the 2 sides of the potholder need to be sc together, sc through both thicknesses 4 times, switch to grey, sc 4 through both thicknesses, ch 1, turn sc in four stitches, ch 1 turn, sc 4, finish off. In bottom corner attach green again, sc through both thicknesses 2ce in same stitch, sc across bottom, in corner sc 2ce, switch to grey, sc 4 times through both thicknesses, ch 1, turn, sc 4, ch 1, turn sc 4, finish off. Attach green, sc about 12 through both thicknesses till you are at the "mid-point" of the next eye, ch 1, turn sc 6, do a sc decrease in next 2 stitches, ch 1 turn slip st in next st, sc across to end, sc 2ce across top "edge" of ear (I know, I think I did this part wrong, but it looked close enough to the other ear, and remember this is "Frankie" so he doesn't have to be exactly perfect!! :) continue to sc (about 4 or 5 to edge of black. Finish off.
I know this pattern is sort of "slap dash", but this is how he was "born", sort of like the REAL Frankenstein.......(mwhahahahahahahahahahahahaha) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
soooooooo cute!
What a great blog you have Cindy. I will be back.
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