I honestly can't believe I haven't blogged for nearly a year! I haven't been crocheting/knitting/sewing much, at all. I have been knitting some "Grandmother's Favorite" Dishcloths lately so at least I haven't totally quit needlework. I haven't had a lot of spare time in a long time, but hope to remedy that by next week. Then maybe I can start sewing for my newest expected grandbaby, this time a GIRL! Woo Hoo! While I love all the Grandboys, a girl will open up a whole new area for me to craft for! : ) My daughter has picked a room theme of hot pink and black and white zebra stripes this time......my challenge is to make her baby bedding and some room decorations. I already have some items purchased and ready to work on, other ideas are perking along in my head, now just to get my current obligations out of the way this week to free up more spare time in the evenings after work and on the weekends.

Last August, one of my friends introduced me to couponing. It has been so fun! I don't "extreme coupon" by any means of the word, but now I can get a lot of items for free and I can usually spot a pretty good deal more than I used to be able to do! : ) Another thing to blog about! Haha! I also have become interested in browsing on "Pinterest". That is a really neat website that you can look at anything you are interested in out on the internet in one place. I have found numerous recipes, crochet patterns, sewing ideas, etc. I have also recently been on a kick of "do-it-yourselfism" or as my kids used to tell me, "Mom, you are a granola girl". Nowdays, they call it being "green". Haha! I have recently made my own Fabric softener, window cleaner, mosquito spray and so on. I would like to find some more of the Foxfire books that my sister once told me about, but those are extremely hard to find. I hope to be able to blog more again, too! Have a safe and happy 4th!!!